Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Have Had

a few blue days but mostly good ones of late. Christmas was celebrated at my daughter's home on Sunday and we had a very nice time. We will celebrate at my in laws on Saturday and visit with a friend Sunday night.
I am beginning to get tired very easily so I nap a lot. The pain is under control so I am really blessed  on this journey so far. My Heavenly Father provides me with comfort.

The support of my friends and family has been awesome. I feel so loved.

Thank you every one!


  1. Perhaps no one will ever read this but still I need to say that I love Sue and miss her immensely. I miss the updates to this blog and our visits and laughs together. One day we will again be able to visit and laugh together. Perhaps Rex can join us and we will all make snow angels together.

  2. The blog was absolutely fantastic! Lots of funny and daily life stuff, both of which we all
    need!b Keep ‘em coming… you all do such a great job at such a good writing… can’t tell you how much I, for one appreciate all you do!

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