Monday, December 12, 2011


I think Heavenly father has lead me down this path to teach me some things. One thing that has hit me right away is how little of my things I really need. I have already offered many of things to people I care about that I think can use them. There is not all that much but it feels good to give them away before I am too ill so they go to the right people and are not wasted.

The other thing is LOVE. I have often over my life not felt very loved. This I had felt as long as I can remember, even as a small small child. I felt I was a disappointment to people. I no longer feel that. I feel more loved than I have ever been. It is a wonderful feeling. Thank you for all the love, the calls, the visits, the offers of help, the beautiful poinsetta, Rex. These things all keep my spirits high. My dear friends and family, I love you.

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