Thursday, November 11, 2010

It Has Been

A tough week! Lots of problems to work through, not feeling well and too many places to be at the same time. Needless to say I did not get all I wanted to done but.....................I think I am finally starting to feel a little better and I attended my College Orientation!!!! The bad part of that being that I was coughing through it all and I was the oldest of around 100 people. The good part being that I am all set to start Jan 13th and I get to take all my classes online this first semester!!!! It is finally coming true instead of being something I just talk about doing.

I spent a lot of time with my Grandson Sovin of late so will upload pictures tomorrow. He is a joy. I love when he tucks himself in close to me and we just snuggle and read a book or watch a movie. Times like that are worth more than any possession I have or any that I would like to have!!!!

Soooooooo, while life isn't easy , it is still really good and so much better when I have the presence of the Spirit with me.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Perfect Joke for Today!

My good friend Pat often sends me interesting things to read. This is perfect for today!

Sunday, October 31, 2010

I Won!!!!

It had been kind of a blah weekend. The boys had the flu and I was cabin bound. So tonight I checked my email and I won a give away from the Paint me Plaid blog! If you have not been there and are crafty you might want to check it out. There are more give aways still going besides all the wonderful ideas they share. I won some Extreme Glitter Paint. Just what I need for my Christmas ornaments!

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

I Am Not a Faithful Blogger but

I write when I feel I have a little something to say. I have had a bit of cabin fever the last few weeks. Ryan has had some behavior and health problems which means that I cannot get out to church. Since church is about the only place I usually get to go it got me a little down.

Today Ryan was too wound up to attend school again so I took him to the park by the lake and let him swing as I took in the fresh air and the beautiful fall day. It lifted my spirits and I feel less isolated again. I miss adult conversation at times but for the most part I am okay.

I am looking forward to starting school January 13th. I am accepted into the program and have orientation next month. This is going to be a huge change but having something like this to look forward to is really what I need.I am excited about   being able to provide for Ryan and I on a much better level when I graduate. Hopefully the two years will fly by.

I feel very blessed that we have everything we need and a little extra. Life is good.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Whats New

Wow I did not realize it had been that long since I had posted! Well life has been just going along fairly smoothly in June and July. I have exciting news though. I will be starting school in January. I am in the middle of making a choice between two schools right now. Both are for computer science programs and both offer part of the program online which will save me some miles. I am basically waiting to see which offers the best package of student loan and grants. Tuition and books have skyrocketed since I went to Tech school back in umm 1984? I also have a placement test to take. I am only concerned about the math. I am starting to review it now. It has been over 20 years since I last worked at algebra. I helped the kids a bit here and there but that is it. Well if I do poorly on the algebra test I still have time to take a course before I start the program so either way I am okay on that. Some of my courses from way back are transferring over too. I am really looking forward to this challenge. It could mean a better life for my family and I if I can do this. No not if, I WILL DO IT!

Friday, May 28, 2010


Good  news . I do not have cancer! I do have right middle lobe syndrome. It sounds like I just wait around for it to get worse as it is not bad enough to remove part of my lung . Yet. I am thankful and hoping it gets worse very slowly. It sure beats cancer. Thanks to those of you who prayed for me. I am going to work hard at getting healthier.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010


The Broncoscopy is done and it went well. No complications this time! So here I sit waiting for results. The doctor will be calling later today or tomorrow. I am anxious to know. I feel like things are kind of on hold til I know one way or the other. He did say he was leaning towards it being the Right Middle Lobe Syndrome by the appearance of things inside but still need the final results. So I am going to try and keep my mind off it as much as I can and get on with what needs to be done!

Monday, May 24, 2010

Wow! Is It Hot Enough?

Today has not turned out like I expected it to. Appointments were changed and my plans for the day are all different now, but that is okay. I have been getting a lot done in between. I love looking at a closet just after I cleaned it out and organized it. Oh it won't stay that way long but just for a day to know where things are is awesome! I have bread rising ( thank goodness for a/c) and it smells yummy. Dinner is in the crock pot, so not much cooking to do tonight. I find if I rest a bit in between my chores I do just fine and am not short of breath at all. It has been a good day so far. I like days like this. Nothing exciting happening, but things going fairly smoothly, sun shining and getting  some little things I usually put off done feels good.

Friday, May 21, 2010

Thankful on Friday

I saw another blog that had what they were grateful for posted each Friday. So here goes

  • My son Stefan who takes over and cares for Ryan when I have been in the hospital ( not his favorite thing to do)
  • My daughter Katie for giving me my beautiful grandchildren. 
  • Sovin my grandson who makes me laugh and is oh so great to cuddle with
  • My home teacher and friends Aaron and Phil, who are so generous with their time
  • My son Ryan, who usually wakes in the morning and comes to find me , smiling and ready for a hug
  • Our Bishop who has gone out of his way to help us through all of this
  • My friends who have been here through parts of this journey and encouraged and prayed for me
  • Having enough, enough food, a home, clothing and  things that we could do without but sure make life nicer
  • Most of all my Faith, without my faith in God this life would be meaningless

Thursday, May 20, 2010

It Is Funny How

When things are going okay I don't feel the need to write much. Well things have not been as smooth as I would like of late so here I am again. I am dealing with things okay so far. It is amazing what prayer and a Priesthood blessing will do for you.
The lung mass is still there and has changed some in appearance. That along with some other symptoms had me in the hospital a week and now heading for another Broncoscopy and biopsy. It looks like it is one of two things, Bronchoalveolar Cancer or something called Right Middle Lobe Syndrome. The good news is that if it is cancer it is a slow growing form and it is not in my lymph nodes as of yet. Right middle lobe syndrome sounds like it will be an ongoing thing too. Both of these are likely aggravated by the many years I smoked. Please if you are reading this and smoke............QUIT NOW. I quit before this happened but I sure wish I had never smoked at all. You never think these things can happen to you. But they do.
I am trying to stay busy and keep this off my mind but it is hard. I am trying not to worry about the huge bills I am making with all of this. I kind of feel like I cannot afford to be alive at times. But deep down I know that Heavenly Father is looking after me as he always does and things will work out. He has never failed me so no matter what happens , if I face more illness or not I can handle it. I will learn whatever lesson this is meant to teach me.  The prayers and efforts of my friends and my church family continue to bring me comfort. I may be poor in material things but in the things that matter I am very rich.