I had a dream last night about when I was about 17 or 18. At that time in life I was on my own. I had left high school and home because I surely knew better than my parents about how to live life. Life had not always been the happiest there due to alcohol use in the home and that was something I really wanted a way from too.
In this dream I remember a letter I wrote to myself about all that I wanted and wanted to be. I last night realized that I had accomplished much of what was in that letter. NO, not everything but much of it. I realized that wanting a close family, children and nice home and meaningful work what is what I wished for.I wanted to be fulfilled spiritually, though I did not mention how. All those years ago.............I really did know what I wanted. I did not know how I was going to get there. I swayed off the path so many times. Well Heavenly Father led me here, often through the examples and kindness of his other children. I am still following, not all the way there yet, but I see the path and believe it is the right one. Isn't it is nice to know that even when we don't see the path, that our Father in Heaven does and sends guidance to us? I am so grateful.
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